FY 24 Agriculture Marketing Grant Program Closed

The Fiscal Year 2024 Agriculture Marketing Grant Program is closed

Closed 1/10/2024


Funding is limited. Grants will be awarded on a first-com, first-served basis.

The application will be available online until available grant funds have been exhausted.

The purpose of the Agriculture Marketing Grant Program is to aid in the promotion of agriculture-based businesses located in Garrett County.

Any farm, farm business, farm-related business, or farm-related organization or association based in Garrett County is eligible to apply.

Applicant must be in good standing with the State of Maryland and Garrett County Government; and have a current Garrett County Business License, if required by law.

Grants of up to $750 each may be awarded to fund up to 90% of the costs of each project. Applicant must contribute at least 10% of the total project costs.

Any reasonable marketing-related cost can be paid with this grant award, subject to approval. If promotional items are purchased using grant funds, those items must be give-aways and cannot be sold for profit.

Applicant must submit the grant application and receive written notice of grant approval prior to incurring any expenses. Applicant will not be reimbursed for any expenses incurred prior to the grant award date.

Applicant is not eligible for multiple awards during any given fiscal year.

Grant funds are limited each fiscal year and are subject to availability of funds. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. The grant program for any given fiscal year will close once available grant funds have been exhausted.

For additional information, please contact either Melissa Bolyard at (301) 334-7285 or mbolyard@garrettcounty.org or Kim Durst at (301) 334-1992 or kdurst@garrettcounty.org.


IRS W-9 FORM (must be submitted with application)

VENDOR INFORMATION REQUEST FORM (must be submitted with application)

Created 11/16/2023 12:45am
Last Updated 1/12/2024 9:04am