The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will host a Virtual Industry Forum for the rebuilding of the Key Bridge on May 7, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. During the forum, MDTA representatives will discuss the anticipated Progressive Design-Build (PDB) Process with potential consultants, contractors and subcontractors to help inform the pending Request for Proposals (RFP). Information on how to become Maryland Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certified for this federal contracting opportunity will be provided during the forum. The RFP is expected to be released by the end of May.
“Rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge and reconnecting the I-695 Baltimore Beltway as expeditiously and safely as possible remains a top priority for MDTA. The anticipated contracting process is a significant opportunity for the consulting and construction community in Maryland to bring their skills to the table of this important project. The upcoming forum will bring together the industry’s diverse prime contractors and sub-contractors in a unified effort to rebuild the Key Bridge,” said MDTA’s Executive Director Bruce Gartner.
Registration is now open at for industry professionals interested in attending the Virtual Industry Forum.
Key Bridge Rebuild Virtual Industry Forum
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
2 – 4 p.m.
The forum will include a presentation from MDTA and staff will be available to answer questions about the PDB project delivery method, procurement process and DBE opportunities and certification. While there will be an opportunity to ask questions during the Virtual Industry Forum, the MDTA is encouraging industry professionals to submit questions in advance online at All forum materials, including questions and answers, will be posted to the website following the virtual event. Questions will be limited to the upcoming procurement opportunity only.
Individuals who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or translation services (free of charge) may contact the agency’s Title VI Officer at or at 410-537-5660 (711 for Maryland Relay) by 5p.m. on Monday, May 6, 2024.
The MDTA finances, owns, operates, secures and improves Maryland’s toll tunnels, bridges and turnpikes. The MDTA’s projects and services are funded through tolls paid by the customers who use the MDTA’s facilities.